Sve su to Vještice (eng. It’s all Witches is a progressive multimedial, collective platform, history and endeavor across and beyond post-Yugoslavia.

Using memes to reach audiences otherwise disinterested in feminist legacy, Sve su to vještice are building a counter-archive of Yugoslav feminist history, with the aim of radical intervention into possible feminist futures. Sve su to vještice started in 2016 in the format of a Facebook meme-page, as a resilience mechanism put in place against an identified growing threat of right-wing populism and toxic patriarchal culture spread through online channels. Reclaiming digital tools and digital space, Vještice offered a counternarrative, aiming to reach the audience beyond those who think alike.

It’s all Witches is an independent platform which consists of project collaborations with artists and curators, research collaborations with academics, and independent media production encompassing social media, podcast, newsletter and occasionally print.

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About the name

Witch is a term and a „contested identity informing millennial women as they counter a torurous history of misogyny with empowerment“ (Kristen J. Sollee, 2019). Charged with heavy political, historical and linguistic contexts, the term witch became a popular point of reference for a generation experiencing grave political instability, with the rise and the subsequent rejection of feminism at its core.

In the countries of former Yugoslavia, the legacy of the term witch is no different to that of elsewhere.. „Vještica“ is often used to describe those women who actively engage in an activity unfavorable to the patriarchal and nationalistic conditions. Here, as a product of patriarchy, it is also frequently utilized within the context of nationalist narratives.

„It’s all Witches“ is a subversion of the patriarchal intention to label women as witches. It acknowledges the legacy of women labeled as a witch, reclaiming the term and its context.